Friday, August 30, 2013

Ms Chic Hong Kong Designer Label 香港設計師品牌

香水所獨有的氣息,是女人所擁有的專屬味道。MS. CHIC 專為美麗的女人量身定做專屬於你的獨特的配件與香水微型,能真正代表唯一的你,讓你成為時尚。帶給你視覺與嗅覺上的全新享受。

Perfume unique atmosphere, is an exclusive taste belongs to women. MS. CHIC tailored specifically for beautiful woman exclusively for your unique miniature accessories and fragrances that can truly represent you, let you become fashionable. Visual and olfactory bring you new to enjoy.

DREAM JEWEL Hong Kong Designer Label 香港設計師品牌

好似她的名字一樣,DREAM JEWEL,是一個充滿夢幻與浪漫的潮流品牌。設計元素豐富,每一個細節的設計都表現了不同設計風格所碰撞出來的藝術火花。神秘的洛可可情節與新潮玄酷的金屬相融合,更加豐富了DREAM JEWEL的設計美感。

Like its name, DREAM JEWEL, is a dreamy and romantic fashion brand. Abundant design elements, every detail of the design has demonstrated different design styles out of the collision of art sparks. The mystery of Rococo plot combine with the trendy cool metal materials, enrich the design aesthetic DREAM JEWEL.

A.M Hong Kong Designer Label 香港設計師品牌


AM is a fashion brand, which is so much filled with trend and humorous, but rather that it is full of new ideas and interesting as an art gallery. Every single product designers have expressed their love for nature and life. AM good at using digital printing for the wet and rainy city like fine rain brings freshness.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Coy Hong Kong Designer Label 香港設計師品牌

相對於櫥窗裡琳琅滿目的高級成衣,個性且富有獨特韻味的時尚單品越來越受到顧客的青睞。Coy是做圍巾的專家,設計前衛,古怪,有趣,豐富多彩。“穿玩,玩穿” 是Coy一個概念和精神。Coy主要是玩印花布塊,搭配對比色的流蘇。來自世界不同地區的流蘇,特意染的的珍稀面料和裝飾,每一條用心設計的圍巾都是小小藝術品。同時,為了滿足獨具品味的顧客的需求,可以量身定做這世界上獨一無二的屬於一個人的圍巾。

Relative haute couture in the shop window, personalized and unique charm of fashion items are more and more welcome of the customers. Coy is an expert in the area of scarf, with the major characteristics of avant-garde design, quirky, fun and colorful. "Wear play, play wear" is the concept and spirit of Coy. Coy mainly play calico block, fringed with contrasting colors. Tassels from different parts of the world, specially dyed fabrics and decorative rare, each one is work of art by carefully designed. Meanwhile, in order to meet the unique taste of the customer's needs, scarves can be tailored only belongs to a person's scarf in this world.

Big Horn Hong Kong Designer Label 香港設計師品牌

香港眼鏡品牌新貴Big Horn,是一個集聚潮流與實用性為一體的時尚眼鏡品牌。Big Horn的主腦人Kelvin,不但可以完美的操控引導誇張的潮流單品,並且作為多年佩戴眼鏡的使用者,對眼鏡的舒適度也特別執着。從hold住全場的誇張party款到舒適到面部所有神經的實用款,Big Horn為我們帶來了全新的由內而外的視覺盛宴。

Hong Kong Optical upstart brand Big Horn, which is a fashionable brand combined with new trends and practicality. Kelvin, the boss of Big Horn, is talented in designing fashionable items. Meanwhile, as the user of glasses, the comfort of the glasses is particularly persistent by Kelvin. From the exaggerated styles for parties to the practical products, Bid Horn gives us a new visual feast inside out.

iMORE TV《潮女姊妹幫》第17集 本地品牌大發現訪問 Novelty Lane

iMORE TV《潮女姊妹幫》第17集 本地品牌大發現訪問 Novelty Lane

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Novelty Lane at Phoenix TV 鳳凰衛視-完全時尚手冊

Novelty Lane at Phoenix TV 鳳凰衛視-完全時尚手冊

春夏季的香港時裝周向來以推廣學生和年輕設計師為主,而他們正代表著香港時裝設計未來的力量!第20屆香港時裝節春夏系列上星期剛剛落下帷幕,這次他們所呈現的作品水平如何?能否獲得市場認可?今晚天橋雲裳,Novelty Lane 時尚買手鄧善方將與你分享!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ms Chic Hong Kong Designer Label 香港設計師品牌

Ms Chic is an interesting accessories brand. The style of it is very playful yet elegant. Designer loves to use tiny bottles of perfumes from various luxury brands in her design. Through matching with colorful gems and beads, they are made into different necklaces which can definitely highlight the wearer’s outfit. There are popular crossover products between Noveltylane and Ms Chic which features the prestigious perfume, Chanel No.5.

Ms Chic 是一個有趣的手飾品牌, 風格富有玩味而且優雅。設計師愛以高級品牌的小型香水作材料,渾入色彩豐富的膠珠和寶石去製作一系列項鍊, 使整體型象看起來更特出。Ms chic 早前和noveltylane crossover 設計了一款利用經典香水chanel no.5 的項鍊,詳情請到。

Morpheus Hong Kong Designer Label 香港設計師品牌

Morpheus is a brand that does contemporary daywear. The style deviates from many other brands. Its style is poetic punk rock style with a feminine twist. We can see that there are a lot of grungy elements in the collection like the dark fringes, monochromatic color tone and worn out jersey, they are balanced with the feminine drapery on the dress. The long and loose-fitted silhouette help elongates wearer’s body. The brand also produces glamorous rock n’ roll accessories like necklaces and bracelets made of metallic beads and chains

Details at

是一個做當代時裝的品牌。設計風格有著搖滾詩人的味道,再加上女性化的完素,有別於一般的時裝品牌。系列中有很多搖滾grunge的完素,例如是黑白色調,深色流蘇和洗水復古布料。設計師以長和鬆身的輪廓去使穿者看起來高瘦, 垂疊效果增添型象的女人味. 品牌亦有搖滾飾物, 例如金屬珠,鍊的手鈪。

16 Products You Can’t Miss To Get Wild-inspired Look

Summer is often related to our mother nature. We got more chances to get into the wild. Ever since Yves Saint Laurent has brought safari elements into fashion world, the wild animal influence has gained prominence rapidly. The safari influence is often related to the sexiness of women, but as this trend is further developed by different perspective. We can see that different designers have different interpretation of the wild. We start to see more elegant, girly and energetic products about wild animals.
Here are the products we recommend for you this summer.


10 Printed T-shirt You Can’t Miss This Summer

Ever since street fashion is brought to the runway, high street style has become one of the most influential styles that many people persue. Enthusiast does a lot of layering and mixing luxurious items together with leisure items to create a more casual yet stylish look which makes wearer stands out on the street. Printed tee shirt has become one of the most crucial elements in this street fashion influence. Intricate and colorful printed t shirt can paired with pencil skirts and skinny jeans. In another words, they are very easy to mix and match. These are the 10 printed t-shirt we recommend for you.
自從街頭時裝被帶到時尚天橋之上,high street style 就成為了時裝界強而有力的氣流。時尚達人一般都會在衣物上做重疊,並將高級時裝渾為一體,使型象看起來簡單有型,能在人群中突出…印花tee shirt 是街頭之化非常重要的物品,近來的印花技術使tee shirt 圖案看起來更精密和鮮豔,可以簡單襯上窄身裙和牛仔褲,非常容易搭配…這10件tee shirt就是我們推介的產品